
Within 8 months we have achieved the following:


We started working with this client, an accessories company, in October 2020, and they had a solid monthly income of $45,000. By this point, they had built a strong brand, a loyal audience, and thousands of positive reviews on sites like Amazon.

However, their marketing was not particularly well developed. Thus, within a few weeks we increased the conversion rate several times and constantly maintained it at a level above 3%, as opposed to the previous level below 0.5%.

Over the next year, our task was to maximize the available acquisition channels and develop new marketing opportunities.

However, after paying more attention to advertising to increase efficiency, as well as search campaigns to attract potential customers, we began to notice that Dynamic Product Advertising (DPA) works better than our attempts to write and optimize a specific copy.

In addition, we have targeted our existing clientele through email marketing, which has reduced advertising costs and increased the Lifetime Value (LTV) of our client's customers. Surprisingly, email marketing has become up to a quarter of our income! Sometimes the use of the old school is more effective than the new fashionable methods.

This discovery led us to 8x the monthly revenue, from $45k to close to $360k, but it wasn’t immediate and there were bumps along the way.